New Year, New Goals! What happened this last month? This month welcomes in a new year. We saw our expenses drop this month quite a bit from the previous year. Last year we had several one time expenses, the largest being paying off orthodontics. This year, we really only had some smaller unplanned for expenses…
FIRE Progress Report – December 2024
Christmas and Trucks! What happened this last month? Looking at the numbers, this month doesn’t look very good. However, that’s mostly due to the fact that large purchases skew our annual expenses considerably. Over the next few months, we should see numbers go back to normal a bit more. That being said, we purchased a…
FIRE Progress Report – November 2024
Milestones reached! What happened this last month? We finally did it! We’ve reached a major milestone in our journey. We’ve finally saved the goal amount that we had set back in July of 2018, and later revised up in May of 2023. We reached the goal 44 months earlier than we had anticipated. A lot…
FIRE Progress Report – October 2024
Run of the mill month What happened this last month? Nothing too crazy this month to speak of. As for income – work and the side business has continued going well this month. We’ve been diverting some of our income that would normally be invested to saving for a vehicle. That does slow down how…
FIRE Progress Report – September 2024
Steady as she goes What happened this last month? Things have been going pretty well as you can see from the numbers below. We’ve reached a point where we need to control expenses and continue to save regularly and things should continue on their current trajectory. Even though we’re very close to reaching our FI…
FIRE Progress Report – August 2024
Highest balance to date, but lower expenses What happened this last month? Our expenses this last fell within range of what we would want on any given month. That’s partially due to the fact that we were unable to attend a Family Camp we had been planning on going to due to illness. They were…
FIRE Progress Report – July 2024
Highest Expenses to Date What happened this last month? This month saw our highest expenses so far since we’ve been tracking them. We had our roof replaced with a metal roof, as well as had our landscaping redone with some stone edging, the weed mat replaced, and all the landscape stone returned. Several years ago…
FIRE Progress Report – June 2024
A Month of Rest and Relaxation What happened this last month? We ended up having a lot of time this month to relax. Starting with a vacation at Walt Disney World and then wrapping up the month with a week at Lake Erie. It was great to have the opportunity to spend so much time…
FIRE Progress Report – May 2024
No horsing around – Highest expenses yet, highest investment balance yet What happened this last month? This month our investments have been able to achieve their highest number yet. That means most of the numbers below are green, except for one. That is because our expenses were also very high this month. First, we bought…
FIRE Progress Report – April 2024
Lower expenses, lower investment balance What happened this last month? Our expenses month were down compared to the previous month and from the same month last year. This was because last year we had done several projects around putting new siding on the house in April 2023. With that being said, this was the most…