Reasons why never to buy a new car. Within a week of having our ‘new to us’ car someone already ran into it. I’m guessing the side view mirror of another van or truck. They didn’t bother to leave a phone number like a good person would. A good friend and co-worker of mine bought the same mini van brand new and when she rode in ours said it seemed identical. By not buying a new car we let someone else take the biggest hit on an item that will only depreciate. It already had a few minor scratches on it so I’m not as annoyed with the first boo boo. Plus I have two children that will be hard on it. But my favorite part of buying used is that we paid cash and it has no payments. It made negotiating (which I hate dealing with salespeople of any kind – if you are one, beware because I am your biggest nightmare) so much easier. We could make an offer and walk away not all worked up if it didn’t work out. Thankful for my very wise husband who likes to research and get good deals. There Adam Amrine I wrote your next blog post:)
We have done this very thing for years and have had only 1 new car in the 45 years that we have been married. We saved for our used cars first,
then paid cash — and never would buy it on the first trip out – still negotiated the price!!