Early Retirement – What does it mean to you?

I think many people fall into two groups when they think of an “early retirement lifestyle”. One group thinks that since you’re not going to save for the same amount of time as everyone else (30-40+ years), you’re likely going to retire with very little. If you retire with very little, you’re going to live a very meager…

Early Retirement? Why Not!

Over the past several months, I’ve been fascinated by the idea of early retirement. Just the term early retirement can bring up a few different questions. What is early? I consider early to be anytime before when most people would retire. A quick search on the internet brought up a US News article where they surveyed…

December 2016 – Mortgage Payoff Update

A quick update on the mortgage payoff: at the end of December, we’re at about 48.6% remaining from our original mortgage that we took out in 2007. I won’t give an update on how many remaining months we have left at this point because we’ve got a couple of things that are changing that will…

December 2016 – Project Fi Bill

For November 2016, my Project Fi bill came out to be $38.58. That includes: Unlimited calls and texts for $20 2GB of data for $20 Taxes and fees for $3.18 Refund of $4.60 for 0.461GB of unused data I thought my data use would go down this month, but it stayed pretty consistent. It appears that if I notice I…

December 2016 – Republic Wireless Bill

The December payment to Republic Wireless was $23.76. That includes unlimited calling and texting, 512 MB of data on one phone, and WiFi only calling on the second phone. We received a refund of $2.05 for unused data this month. Our bill every month will be slightly higher now that we’ve added a phone with the WiFi only…

November 2016 – Project Fi Bill

For November 2016, my Project Fi bill came out to be $38.48. That includes: Unlimited calls and texts for $20 2GB of data for $20 Taxes and fees for $3.18 Refund of $4.70 for 0.470GB of unused data I don’t think the iPad used much if any data this month, so that was all me. Not bad considering I…

Mortgage Payoff Update

A lot of things have changed since the last update on the mortgage. Certain assumptions that we had made in the last mortgage payoff calculation are no longer valid, and there are new numbers to consider. After running the calculations, it appears we’ve got about 33 months left before the house is completely paid off. I’m hoping…

November 2016 – Republic Wireless Bill

The November payment to Republic Wireless for my wife’s phone was $19.80. That includes unlimited calling and texting, 512 MB of data. No refund this month since all the data was used. The phone seemed to have an issue with staying on WiFi, so a bit more cell data got used than usual. Her superhuman strength that caused…

October 2016 – Project Fi Bill

For October 2016, my Project Fi bill came out to be $41.34. That includes: Unlimited calls and texts for $20 2GB of data for $20 Taxes and fees for $3.18 Refund of $1.84 for 0.184GB of unused data The iPad used about 50MB this month. We had to rely on the iPad again for making calls. After getting her phone…

October 2016 – Republic Wireless Bill

The October payment to Republic Wireless for my wife’s phone was $15.53. That includes unlimited calling and texting, 512 MB of data. She received a refund of $4.27 for unused data. She didn’t use as much data this month since we had sent her phone back to be repaired. It was in good working order for about a week…