Unless you’re independently wealthy, we all have a limited amount of money to go around each month. Without paying attention, you can easily run out of money before you run out of things you need to spend it on. That’s where a budget comes in. For quite a long time, we used Microsoft Money or Quicken…
Category: Products
Is your bank or credit union for or against you?
Back around Christmas time I wrote a post about the holiday loan offered by our local credit union. I gave plenty of reasons at that time why you shouldn’t get one of these loans. But then they came back to surprise me with a vacation loan advertised on their digital sign. Seriously? A loan to go on…
IT’S HERE: Am I the Only One Who Hates My Job
After months of learning and writing, my eBook has finally arrived! Who is this eBook for? It would be easy to say for everyone, but that’s not really true though. It is primarily focused on the struggle that many experience in their job and career. I’ve pulled from my own personal experiences as well as what…
Ebates: Earn cash back while shopping online
I’ve discussed the Google Chrome extension Honey in the past. It helps you find and test promotion codes on web sites when you check out to make sure you’re getting a great deal. They recently released a new version that really enhances how it works and can tell you about deals when you visit a…
COMING SOON: Am I the Only One… Who Hates My Job?
Some of you may not realize that this site along with a sister site, Man Seeking Purpose, were created during a confusing and troubling time in my career. I felt like everything else in my life was going well, but what I wanted to be doing for my life’s work was a mystery. After doing a…
The Allowance Game – Teach your kids about money
If you have kids, grandkids, or simply know of some kids you kind of like, then I’m sure you can agree that they need to learn that stuff costs money, and money isn’t unlimited. If you can teach them about money through real world experiences, like chores, that’s great. But kids have short attention spans,…
Cut the cord, fatten your wallet!
I’m sure by now you’ve heard the term cord cutter. It used to be reserved for those crazy people who lived on the fringe, pinched pennies, and had no life. That has changed significantly over the past couple of years as friends of mine have joined the ranks after telling me how they could never drop…
Saving Money for Non-Budgeters
Everyone wants to save money, but some people don’t have the discipline to “pay themselves first”. If you don’t balance your checkbook or put away a set amount of money with each paycheck, then SavedPlus might be a simple solution to help you save money without having to change your habits. The way it works…
How to Make Christmas Last All Year Long
If your holiday season is anything like ours, it usually involves putting up holiday decorations, trying to figure out what to get people, and running all over to our different Christmas obligations. It seems crazy at the time, but then the day after Christmas life kind of goes back to normal and it’s a little…
Do you need an Ally?
We’ve been using an online bank for the majority of our banking for several years. We started with ING Direct until they were purchased by Capital One. We don’t really care for the large banks and figured they’d screw up a good thing, so we decided to switch to Ally Bank. We’ve been with them…