February 2017 – Mortgage Payoff Update

At the end of February, our remaining balance is at 42.94% of our original mortgage that we took out in 2007. That’s a reduction of 2.74%. I had a little extra from the side business that I applied to it this month and now I have a clear idea about how much extra I’ll be able to apply from my day job every month.

How much longer?

Once all of the February’s payments are applied, we’ll have reduced our balance by about $4300. That also means we’ve broken through the $60k barrier. Currently, with the new monthly figures in place, we’ve got 24 payments left! That means our last mortgage payment would be applied on March 1, 2019. If you looked at last month’s amount, you’ll see that the number has been greatly reduced. That’s because I can now reasonably estimate how much extra we’ll be able to put towards it each month. I’m still shooting for the end of 2018 as the ultimate goal. This means that we’ll need to find some extra cash to cut it a bit faster. I’m expecting the side business will start picking up this year more, which will provide that extra amount that we need.

Photo by Tax Credits

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