February 2017 – Mortgage Payoff Update

At the end of February, our remaining balance is at 42.94% of our original mortgage that we took out in 2007. That’s a reduction of 2.74%. I had a little extra from the side business that I applied to it this month and now I have a clear idea about how much extra I’ll be able to apply from…

January 2017 – Mortgage Payoff Update

At the end of January, our remaining balance is at 46.1% of our original mortgage that we took out in 2007. We had some extra money to apply towards it this last month since I had stockpiled a bit during a job transition. I ended up deciding that now was a good time to apply it to the…

December 2016 – Mortgage Payoff Update

A quick update on the mortgage payoff: at the end of December, we’re at about 48.6% remaining from our original mortgage that we took out in 2007. I won’t give an update on how many remaining months we have left at this point because we’ve got a couple of things that are changing that will…

Mortgage Payoff Update

A lot of things have changed since the last update on the mortgage. Certain assumptions that we had made in the last mortgage payoff calculation are no longer valid, and there are new numbers to consider. After running the calculations, it appears we’ve got about 33 months left before the house is completely paid off. I’m hoping…

Is your bank or credit union for or against you?

Back around Christmas time I wrote a post about the holiday loan offered by our local credit union. I gave plenty of reasons at that time why you shouldn’t get one of these loans. But then they came back to surprise me with a vacation loan advertised on their digital sign. Seriously? A loan to go on…

How to Make Christmas Last All Year Long

If your holiday season is anything like ours, it usually involves putting up holiday decorations, trying to figure out what to get people, and running all over to our different Christmas obligations. It seems crazy at the time, but then the day after Christmas life kind of goes back to normal and it’s a little…