“Hidden” discount for credit union members using Sprint

Are you tired of the $36 activation or upgrade fees from Sprint when you start a new line or upgrade your phone on an existing line? Looking to get a bit more of a discount on the “extras” you pay for such as increased data? If you’re a member of a credit union, then you…

Stocard: All your rewards cards in one handy app

Do you have a ton of rewards cards for different stores? Do you forget what stores you have rewards cards too? Do you feel guilty every time you’re holding up the line trying to find the right rewards card? Of course, the answer is yes. Sometimes reward cards are great, but when you can’t keep…

Quick Savings Tip for Verizon Smartphone Users

If you’re a Verizon Wireless user, then you probably already know that you’re likely paying more than you would with any other cell phone company. That’s why I’ve recommended checking outĀ TingĀ and Republic Wireless in the past. Recently though, Verizon has made a few steps to give their customers a bit of a break. Along with…

Republic Wireless – The future of mobile phones?

I had stumbled across Republic Wireless a couple years ago. I have to admit that their service was tempting. I mean, how can anyone resist $19/month for unlimited cell phone service with a smartphone. However, at the time, I just couldn’t make the jump to something that was still “beta”. Besides, things that I had…

Replacing a “Poopy” Phone

You’re busy, and multitasking is a way of life. There are some places where multitasking should never really take place. Some of those places are obvious to most people, and some of them fall into a gray area for others. One of those gray areas is the bathroom. I know of two people personally who…

Ting: Mobile That Makes Sense (for most people)

I’ve heard people tell me “we could never afford smartphones”. I think what they mean to say is that “we could never afford smart phones on one of the big 3 carriers (AT&T, Verizon, or Sprint). Personally, we could have “afforded” smartphones a long time ago on one of the big 3, but I could…